Approval processes must be simplified for the commercial use of drones
What's the state of the drone market? Our CEO Jan-Eric Putze tackles this question in his new format.
YES! The drone is a new air traffic participant!
YES! It must be ensured that drones can be used safely!
YES! In Germany we are very thorough and good things sometimes take time!
But, with all due understanding, you have to be allowed to say NO loud and clear!
NO! Unfortunately, Germany is no longer the leading market in the drone segment, but only mediocre.
NO! It's not because of the technology, because it's there, it works and it's safe.
NO! Linking the commercial use of drones per se to complex and expensive approval processes is not conducive to investment!
NO! Waiting six months or more for an operating permit is a deterrent and makes the use of drones unattractive for companies.
And NO! The problems mentioned above will not solve themselves, but must be tackled actively and consistently!
A few years ago, we showed that Germany has the potential to promote the commercial use of drones.
PLEASE! Let's not squander this opportunity through despondency, hesitation and unnecessary bureaucracy!
We CAN do it better! So let's DO it better!