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IBM Maximo User Conference: Project DORA

Last week our colleague Fynn Klaaßen was at the 31st IBM Maximo User Conference to present the DORA project together with Georg M. V. Olowson (IBM).

IBM Maximo | Project DORA

f.l.nr.: Georg M. V. Olowson (IBM) | Fynn Klaaßen (Droniq GmbH)

DORA stands for "Drone Object Recognition on Airports" and it is a joint project between IBM and Fraport AG in which FOD object recognition at airports was tested with the help of IBM Maximo Visual Inspection AI in combination with drones. The inspection by drone supports the safety managers and increases the safety at the airport, because foreign objects can be detected and removed faster.

This technology can be applied not only at airports, but is suitable for the maintenance of any type of plant or equipment.

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