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SAFIR-Ready: Start Work Packages

Today marks the start of the work packages under the SAFIR-Ready project. Both work packages focus on ensuring safety, efficiency and innovation in Advanced Air Mobility (AAM).
We are part of and lead the work package 2 "Advanced Holistic U-Space Services":
  • Partners involved: Droniq GmbH (lead) | SafeSky | German Aerospace Center (DLR) | Delft University of Technology | NSX - Normalized Systems | ANRA Technologies
  • Goal: Build technical capabilities, define the U-Space ecosystem, and develop advanced U-Space services.
The SAFIR-Ready project is part of the SESAR 3 Joint Undertaking program and is funded by the European Commission.
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DRONIQlive: iConspicuity for general aviation

The next issue of DRONIQlive will focus on the introduction of ADS-L for general aviation.

Our presenter Alexander Tummes has invited a number of experts to talk to him about the electronic visibility of all air traffic participants - from hang gliders, gliders and helicopters to motorized aircraft.

DRONIQlive will take place on Tue, 30.07.2024 at 7 pm. We look forward to your participation!