Droniq presentations at AERODrones

We can be found with the following 2 presentations on the AERODRONES presentation program:

BVLOS with the DJI Dock
📅 20.4.2023 ⏰13:30-14:00h
📅 21.4.2023 ⏰14:00-14:30h
with Thomas Mattner (Globe Flight) & Alexander Tummes (Droniq)
Droniq, drones and general aviation
📅20.4.2023 ⏰ 10:00 - 11:00h
📅21.4.2023 ⏰ 10:00 - 11:00h
with David Osten (Airport Mönchengladbach MGL), Helge Mikuda (Droniq) & Alexander Tummes (Droniq)
In addition, our colleague Alexander Tummes will be a guest at the following panel discussion:
Airspace E like echo but not like simple
📅21.4.2023 ⏰ 11.45 - 13.15 h
with Thomas Borchert (fliegermagazin), Ludger Humpert (Vereinigung Cockpit e.V. #Safesky), Sebastian Sachs (GdF Air Traffic Control Union), Habbo Brune (DAeC German Aero Club e. V.), Alexander Tummes (Droniq) & Marc Förderer (AIR Avionics)
PS: Please also visit our booth 303 (hall A2) and pay a visit to our Droniq expert at the Globe Flight-booth 312 (hall A2)!

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Use of drones for mountain rescue

The Hausham Mountain Rescue Service has been using drones to search for people in difficult terrain since 2010 and supports the district of Miesbach (Bavaria) with its expertise.

In the next episode of our DRONIQlive webinar, we will discuss how the mountain rescue service has continuously expanded its drone activities over the years - and what prompted the district to make greater use of this tool.

We look forward to your participation on 27.03.2025 at 7 pm!