On site in Berlin, we met with Klaus Tenning from Labor Berlin. We are optimistic that we will soon be able to launch the first regular drone operation for transporting laboratory samples between Labor Berlin and the Charite Campus Mitte in Berlin using Matternet.
We come into play to ensure that drone operations on this route are safe and that other hospitals can be approached later. To do this, we make the drone and manned air traffic visible to the partners.
For the realization of drone operations for medical purposes in urban areas, we work together with Labor Berlin - Charité Vivantes GmbH | Matternet | Senatsverwaltung für Umwelt, Mobilität, Verbraucher- und Klimaschutz | Polizei Berlin | Bundespolizei | Flugbereitschaft Bundeswehr | DRF Luftrettung | ADAC Luftrettung | Berliner Feuerwehr