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i2B Meet-up:
Civil Use of Drones

What potential does unmanned aviation have for Bremen as an aerospace location? That's the topic of next week's i2b meet-up. There, the opportunities will be discussed, but also the economic potential of sustainable mobility and the digital transformation of aviation will be highlighted.

Meet our CEO Jan-Eric Putze:
📅 21.02.2023 ⏰ from 17 h
i2B Meet-up: Event "Civilian use of drones".  
The meet-up will take place both as a face-to-face event and as a live stream - more information on registration can be found here:
Table of contents

Table of Contents

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DRONIQlive: iConspicuity for general aviation

The next issue of DRONIQlive will focus on the introduction of ADS-L for general aviation.

Our presenter Alexander Tummes has invited a number of experts to talk to him about the electronic visibility of all air traffic participants - from hang gliders, gliders and helicopters to motorized aircraft.

DRONIQlive will take place on Tue, 30.07.2024 at 7 pm. We look forward to your participation!