Federation of German Industries:
InnoNation Festival

BDI - InnoNation | Jan-Eric Putze at the workshop on Reallabsore
Our CEO Jan-Eric Putze visited the InnoNation Festival in Berlin last week and participated in the workshop "Reallabore: A smart way to implement InnoNation?".
Under the moderation of Jan-Martin Wiarda, he and the other guests discussed the significance of reallabs for companies, legislators and society. Among other things, they explored the question of what reallabs can do, where their limits are, what added value they can bring to society, and how they need to be designed in a meaningful way.
Many thanks for the many interesting conversations as well as the exchange with the other guests: Sjoerd Keijser (Business Development Manager, FME) | Dr. Konstantin Kolloge (Head of Reallabore Office, Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection) | Peter van Harten (Ambassador Smart Industry Holland, CEO Isah GmbH) | Simone Ebel-Schmidt (Political Secretary, IG Metall Executive Board)

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Use of drones for mountain rescue

The Hausham Mountain Rescue Service has been using drones to search for people in difficult terrain since 2010 and supports the district of Miesbach (Bavaria) with its expertise.

In the next episode of our DRONIQlive webinar, we will discuss how the mountain rescue service has continuously expanded its drone activities over the years - and what prompted the district to make greater use of this tool.

We look forward to your participation on 27.03.2025 at 7 pm!