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Press release: Droniq turns on the floodlights

Press Release | Droniq turns on the floodlights

Frankfurt, 12.07.2023 - Droniq GmbH is further expanding the visibility of air traffic in ground-based airspace. Through a cooperation with jetvision, Droniq will in the future be able to record all traffic participants using current visibility systems. In this way, Droniq increases safety for all air traffic participants and paves the way for more governmental and industrial drone use.

In parts, the airspace near the ground has so far resembled a map with white, undeveloped patches. Due to the low altitude, air traffic participants are not detected by traditional sensors such as radar. Digital visualization of air traffic participants is therefore not yet fully available. At the same time, the air traffic that takes place here is increasing - especially with regard to commercial and government drone use.

Since its inception in 2018, Droniq has been increasingly illuminating air traffic in the airspace close to the ground with its antenna technology. Now it is able to cover low altitude airspace down to treetop level as well. This is made possible by the new cooperation with Munich-based jetvision, the leading manufacturer of receivers for transponder signals emitted by aircraft. The jetvision technology detects all air traffic participants that use the common visibility making systems, such as ADS-B, FLARM®, Mode A/C, or Mode-S. In addition to drones, these include gliders and small aircraft.

"As Droniq, we are driving commercial and government drone use," explains Droniq CEO Jan-Eric Putze. "In addition to technology and know-how, what is needed here above all is visibility. Only if road users can see each other in the airspace close to the ground can safe interaction take place. By cooperating with jetvision, we are taking a big step towards making precisely this possible on a large scale throughout Germany."
"jetvision receivers and software make it possible to detect low-flying aircraft precisely in areas where classic radar cannot reach" , adds Günter Köllner, managing partner of jetvison. "With over 600 receivers in Germany alone, we have a well-developed and steadily growing network of ground-based receiver technology and are also able to flexibly drive local expansion with cost-effective technology. We are pleased to have Droniq as a partner with whom we can jointly contribute to an increase in flight safety when operating drones."

Droniq makes the movements of road users visible as part of its live air situation. In addition to the current position, it also shows which road users are involved and at what altitude, direction and speed they are traveling.

In the future, Droniq plans to further expand its visibility in the near-ground airspace.

Press contact Droniq GmbH:
Phil Stephan
Phone: + 49 171 6099 747
Email: phil.stephan@droniq.de

About Droniq GmbH:
Droniq GmbH is a founded joint venture of DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung (51% share) and Deutsche Telekom (49% share). Based in Frankfurt am Main, the company's mission is to promote the professional and safe use of drones by public authorities and organizations with security tasks, as well as by companies.

The core of Droniq's product offering is the Droniq Traffic Management System for Drones (UTM). The UTM shows the pilot all surrounding air traffic - manned and unmanned. Furthermore, the other air traffic participants can also see the drone if necessary. With this system, which is unique in Germany, Droniq creates the basis for using drones safely beyond visual range.

Other services offered by Droniq include the sale of drones for commercial and government drone use, as well as hardware and software solutions for safe operation. It also supports its customers in applying for operating permits and advises on mission planning. With its Droniq Academy, which has offices in Frankfurt and Mönchengladbach, among other cities, the company also offers training and exams for remote pilots. Droniq's customers include federal and state police units as well as fire departments, rescue forces and companies from the chemical, logistics, construction and security sectors.

About jetvision (GKED GmbH):
jetvision "True Air Traffic" is a technology provider of receiver, network and antenna solutions for aircraft detection. From Mode-A/C to Mode-S and ADS-B to FLARM®, jetvision offers highly sensitive sensor technology for aircraft detection - in real time and with highest precision. jetvision products are used worldwide, including by all well-known flight tracking websites. Applications range from aircraft noise detection and avoidance, to on-demand night flight marking of wind farms, to supporting local airfields in automating landing detection or flight attitude display - or in the field of unmanned aviation.
jetvision® is based in Vierkirchen near Munich. www.jetvision.de

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