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Product photos

Product 1: HOD4track

The HOD4track is an LTE transponder that makes unmanned aerial objects visible to other airspace participants (helicopters or UAS). The drone tracker meets all requirements for issuing BVLOS operating permits for UAS.
HOD4track Image 1
The HOD4track is an LTE transponder that makes unmanned aerial objects visible to other airspace participants (helicopters or UAS). The drone tracker meets all requirements for issuing BVLOS operating permits for UAS.
HOD4track image 2
The HOD4track is an LTE transponder that makes unmanned aerial objects visible to other airspace participants (helicopters or UAS). The drone tracker meets all requirements for issuing BVLOS operating permits for UAS.
HOD4track Image 3
The HOD4track is an LTE transponder that makes unmanned aerial objects visible to other airspace participants (helicopters or UAS). The drone tracker meets all requirements for issuing BVLOS operating permits for UAS.
HOD4track Image 4
The HOD4track is an LTE transponder that makes unmanned aerial objects visible to other airspace participants (helicopters or UAS). The drone tracker meets all requirements for issuing BVLOS operating permits for UAS.
HOD4track Image 5

Product 2: Soil sensor technology

Soil sensor system Fig. 1
Soil sensor system Fig. 2
Soil sensor system Fig. 3
Soil sensor system Fig. 4

Product 3: UTM TrackViewer

UTM TrackViewer image 1

Product 4: Droniq App

Droniq App Image 1


Horizontal logo of Droniq in petrol. File format: .png
Vertical logo of Droniq in petrol. File format: .png


From left to right: Ralph Schepp, Jan-Eric Putze
Jan-Eric Putze
Ralph Schepp

Video footage

All videos can also be viewed on our YouTube channel.
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With Droniq, we offer a solution that safely and sustainably integrates drones into the airspace using innovative mobile technology and enables out-of-sight flights.

Expert interviews

Our expert interviews are all about the topic of drones - to be precise, we are concerned with the integration of drones into the airspace! But mobility and digitalization are also topics that keep us busy.
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Just fly

Unmanned aerial vehicles, also known as drones, are on the rise. They perform a variety of tasks in a more environmentally friendly, quiet and cost-efficient manner. Unlike commercial aircraft, however, drones are not detected by radar, which is why their potential is currently limited. With Droniq, we offer a solution that safely and sustainably integrates your drone into the airspace using innovative mobile technology and enables out-of-sight flights.
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Industry 4.0

As a joint venture between Deutsche Flugsicherung (DFS) and Deutsche Telekom, Droniq combines air traffic control with state-of-the-art communications technology for the first time. Droniq thus enables drones to be safely integrated into German airspace as new airspace participants and to drive forward a safe and sustainable airspace ecosystem for drones.
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Drive the future

Drones are useful tools - especially in industrial applications. Droniq supports the integration into existing business processes to fully exploit the potential of this new technology. With the UTM (UAS Traffic Management System), Droniq provides the basis for safe and efficient out-of-sight drone operations.
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Save lives

Whether searching for missing persons, surveying forest fires or supporting police operations: UAS have long since ceased to be technology for recreational purposes. They can also be valuable tools for emergency services and even save lives in an emergency. Numerous organizations such as fire departments, police forces and rescue teams are already testing the use of UAS or have even adopted this into regular operations.
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Make drones visible

The HOD4track turns the drone into a flying cell phone. It is small, lightweight and consumes hardly any power. Attached to the drone, it transmits the GPS position of the aircraft to the UTM via LTE every second.
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Making the impossible possible

For many drone missions, an ascent permit or risk assessment is required. We support you with our extensive know-how and our close cooperation with the state aviation authorities, the German Federal Aviation Authority and other competent authorities and organizations.
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UAS Traffic Management (UTM)

At the core of Droniq's product offering is the UTM - a drone traffic management system that provides a combined aerial situation picture of manned and unmanned aerial vehicles, as well as other functions for the safe operation of drones beyond visual range. Our UTM approach is oriented towards the entire value chain of professional out-of-sight drone flying. In doing so, the system supports the operator in all phases of the flight.
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Learn to fly

Both private and commercial drone pilots with a drone of more than 2 kg take-off weight need a proof of knowledge, also called drone license. Whether online training, classroom training or practical training: Droniq experts prepare you optimally for the drone license exam.

Use Case Videos

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Firefighting copter

When an emergency call comes in, every second counts. To get all the important information as soon as they arrive at the scene of the accident, the Dortmund Fire Department tested the use of drones, which flies ahead of the emergency services and sends the incident commander information about the accident site even as they are approaching.
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Search for missing persons

How can drones help in the search for missing persons? Together with the DLRG Horneburg, we tested the use of a drone on the Elbe island of Hanskalbsand. Equipped with a thermal imaging camera, the drone searched the shore area, which was difficult to see, for a missing child.
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Route survey

Thyssengas is a gas transport company that regularly has to fly around 4,200 km of gas transport pipelines for monitoring. Here we highlight the possibilities of using drone technology to monitor the gas pipeline network over Germany.


Once a month we invite you to our webinar series DRONIQlive. The webinars are of course recorded and can be viewed here.

How can the U-Space concept be implemented for Germany?

From January 2023, the first U-Spaces can be established in Germany. We take a first look at how the EU concept can be implemented in detail.

Talk round: What awaits the drone & model aviation community in 2022

We're kicking off the new year with an open discussion group and would like to take a look at what changes and news to expect in 2022.

U-Space: A new airspace not only for drones

Things are slowly getting exciting. Starting in January 2023, the first U-Space airspaces can be established in Germany across Europe. But what will U-Space change for drone pilots, what impact will U-Spaces have on manned aviation, and what does all this mean in detail?

Special category: From planning to approval

At the beginning of the year, the new EU drone regulation came into force and the adaptation of national law to European law has taken place. Many operators of drones fly in the open category. But when does one fall into the "special category" and what has to be done to get an operating license?

Digital visibility of manned & unmanned aerial vehicles

Remote ID, FLARM®, Radar, ADS-B and HOD: Five different systems, but one common feature: making aircraft visible.

Targeting drones: detection and defense

Private drones near airports are anything but harmless and are punished as a criminal offense and misdemeanor. But what are the consequences of a drone sighting near airports and why is drone detection so important?

(Im)Possible? Flying drones in the control zone

This webinar is all about control zones. These are characterized by their own requirements - and thus represent a not inconsiderable challenge for drone pilots.

Change of perspective - tips and tricks for cool pictures and videos by drone

Together we will take a look at the most important do's & don'ts in image and video production via drone for beginners and advanced users.

National: Introduction and implementation of the new EU regulation

The new EU drone regulation and the adaptation of national law to European law offer a great opportunity for remote pilots. an. But what needs to be considered here?

Arrived: The new Droniq app - An overview of how it works and what it can do.

We introduce the new official drone app and show how it works in detail and can help with flight preparation.

Launched: Flying eye for sea rescuers on the North Sea and Baltic Sea

Learn in our 6th webinar what the aviation, legal and organizational challenges have been as a BOS force up to the first flight.

(Un)expected: This changes in drone flying with the new EU regulation

As of January 1, 2021, new European rules will apply to drone flying. What will change in practice?

Rebuilding needed: What will change for drone manufacturers with the new EU regulation?

The new European rules for drones and their controllers, which come into force at the beginning of 2021, also affect drone manufacturers.

Flying helper: How can drones be safely integrated with fire departments & co.

Drone use by BOS - safe and integrated operation is central to this, especially in joint operations with manned aircraft.

(In)Visible: Drones in view from the cockpit

In the future, manned aviation will have to share the airspace with drones - what will have to change in terms of technology and regulations to ensure that everyone continues to fly safely?

(Un)Limited: Rules, Structure and Layout of the German Airspace

Even without traffic lights, crosswalks and traffic signs, clear rules apply to all airspace users - and of course to drones as well.

DRONIQlive: iConspicuity for general aviation

The next issue of DRONIQlive will focus on the introduction of ADS-L for general aviation.

Our presenter Alexander Tummes has invited a number of experts to talk to him about the electronic visibility of all air traffic participants - from hang gliders, gliders and helicopters to motorized aircraft.

DRONIQlive will take place on Tue, 30.07.2024 at 7 pm. We look forward to your participation!