Innovative drone technology for BOS
On Saturday, 31 August 2024, an impressive large-scale exercise took place in Lüneburg, organized by the Kirchgellersen fire department. Almost 100 emergency personnel from the DLRG, police, fire department and Bundeswehr took part in the exercise. The aim was to train and optimize cooperation between the various authorities and organizations with security tasks (BOS) in realistic operational scenarios.
Real-time tracking for drones
The day began with three exciting presentations given by experts from the German Federal Aviation Office (LBA), Droniq GmbH and the German Armed Forces. The focus was on the use of drone technologies in crisis situations. In particular, our contribution "BOS(S) instrument drone: safe use in the control zones and in Gulf airspace " by Alexander Wulf attracted a lot of attention. He also presented our "Drone-in-a-Box" system, which was specially developed for fast and flexible use in BOS scenarios. This system makes it possible to deploy drones efficiently and ready for rescue or surveillance missions at any time.
Another focus of his presentation was on the communication technology supported by the Dronetag Mini and the TraX system. Both systems offer an advanced way to safely and accurately integrate drones into operations by enabling real-time tracking and clear communication with the control center.
Practical exercise: drones in BOS use
After the presentations, the participants went to the military training area, where they were able to put their skills to the test as part of the large-scale exercise. Each unit was equipped with a Dronetag Mini to locate missing persons in confusing terrain. Thanks to the TraX system, the specially set up control center was able to track all drones in real time, which made coordination much easier.
Droniq also supported the operation with a DJI Matrice M350 RTK, which impressively demonstrated its ability to detect and locate people. This advanced drone technology was crucial to the success of the exercise.
The large-scale exercise was a complete success and not only provided exciting insights into the use of modern drone technology, but also valuable experience for future cooperation between different emergency services. Smooth communication and real-time tracking enabled rescue procedures to be designed and optimized more efficiently.